CX and Customer Lifetime Value: integrating metrics and driving results

Understand how to integrate two important metrics for your Marketing strategy and boost your results! 

Customer Lifetime Value (CLV or CLTV) is a well-known and commonly used metric in the market. It determines how much profit the company will make over the customer's total lifetime. 

it is calculated in this way:

CLV = Customer Value x Average Customer Lifespan

However, with Dynamic Marketing - the newest model of Marketing, it is possible to go beyond this metric. The measurement of results in Dynamic Marketing is based on a new metric: Customer Experience Lifetime Value (CXLV). 

Before getting deeper into CX, it is important not to confuse its concept with other abbreviations. Check out the difference between each one of them below:

  • CS: Customer Success - company's area of responsibility for ensuring customer satisfaction.  
  • UX: User Experience - experience the user has when interacting on brand touchpoints (website, app etc.). 
  • CX: Customer Experience - perception that the customer has after contact with the brand; set of actions aimed at optimizing the purchase journey in order to delight the customer. 

In this way, CXLV can predict the profit that a company will be able to make from the Customer Experience. Although it can also be applied to more static Marketing models within many limitations, CXLV is the perfect metric for Dynamic Marketing. 

This is because Customer Experience is a pillar of Dynamic Marketing. Thus, companies place the consumer at the center of the strategy (Outside-In) and rethink the purchase journey to make it more integrated, intuitive and enchanting, through the combination of Marketing and Technology.

Dynamic Marketing

Do you want to implement Dynamic Marketing in your company? Indico has created a complete material on this subject! After reading it, you will understand what Dynamic Marketing is, why it is considered the new era of Marketing, what are its fundamental concepts (such as CXLV) and how to use it in your company. 

Click here, download it for free and transform your results!

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