
Special selection of articles for understanding and improving the stages of your customer's relationship with your company.
Happy reading!

How to launch a loyalty program?

How to design a loyalty program?

How to plan a loyalty program?

Loyalty programs in markets: how to create them, trends, advantages

101 phrases about customer loyalty - Loyalty 101

Loyalty programs in the automotive sector: how to create them, trends, advantages

Loyalty programs in pharmacies and drugstores: how to create them, trends, advantages

4 trends for loyalty programs in 2024

Understand the changes in air miles programs

Consumer trends for 2024: meet the consumer of the future

Loyalty and Generation Z: how to create loyalty programs for young people

Experiences in loyalty programs: how and why to create them

Artificial Intelligence in loyalty programs: why and how to use it, advantages, benefits

How to build customer loyalty at Christmas and New Year?

Beauty and cosmetics: how to create loyalty programs

B2B Loyalty: what it is, how to do it

Loyalty programs for telecommunications: advantages and strategies

Total Loyalty: what it is, how to apply, advantages

Supply Chain Loyalty: what it is, how it works

Total Customer Experience: what is it?

What is Machine Learning: how it works and importance

Loyalty in the food sector: trends, advantages, cases

Loyalty programs in the beverage sector: Trends, advantages and cases

Case: Bolão do Méqui - Indico & Arcos Dorados

Loyalty for shopping centers: trends, advantages, cases

Martech: what it is, how it works, advantages

5 trends for loyalty programs in 2023

Customer engagement: what it is, main characteristics

NPS (Net Promoter Score): What it is, how to measure it

Customer Engagement: What is it, what are the types

Black Friday and loyalty programs: how to align strategies

Financial Engineering: Why is it important for loyalty programs?

Growth Marketing: what it is and how to use it in your company

How to communicate a loyalty program

What are the types of loyalty programs?

The 5 V's of Big Data

Tiered Loyalty Program: What it is and how it works

Member get Member (MGM): How and why invest in this strategy?

What is the relationship between the metaverse and loyalty programs today?

Blockchain in loyalty programs: possibilities and advantages

Cryptorewards and NFTs: the future of loyalty programs

Purpose Loyalty: what it is, advantages, examples

From Customer Relationship Management (CRM) to Customer Experience Management (CXM)

Cashback: all about the dynamics of "cash back

Employee Loyalty: how to build employee loyalty

How is Artificial Intelligence applied to business?

Gamification: how to use it in loyalty programmes?

How to use data to apply the Job to Be Done methodology

Job to be Done: how to understand your customer better

Omnichannel: what it is and how to integrate with your sales channels

7 hot trends for customer relationship and loyalty programs

Loyalty 4.0: technology for building loyalty

CX and Customer Lifetime Value: integrating metrics and driving results

The evolution of Marketing: from Traditional to Dynamic

Next Best Action: how to indicate the best action to your customer

Dynamic Marketing: the new age of Marketing

What is MVP? Understand everything about Minimum Viable Product

What is Growth Hacking?

Market Intelligence to boost your results


McHappy Day 2021 - Instituto Ronald McDonald

Money boxes - Instituto Ronald McDonald

Agrega Program - BASF

DirecTV GO - Sky

Toyota Cycle - Toyota Bank: interactive content and hyper-personalization

Top Club - Johnson & Johnson: support in retail management and team incentive

Xô, Corona - Lello Condomínios & CUFA

What are the most important metrics in a loyalty program?

Branding and Digital Presence: How to create unforgettable brands

What is phygital and why it is the future of consumption

How to create a customer centric mindset for your company

Companies that are more mature in data management are the most innovative

McDonald's and Coca-Cola: Rolá y Ganá | Rueda y Gana

Millennials and New Generations - Why should this audience be considered in loyalty programs?

Co-branding: what it is, advantages, how to do it

Customer Experience: the present and the future of Marketing

McDonald's and Coca-Cola: Countdown to the Holidays

Loyalty program: what it is and how to create a successful program

8 trends for loyalty programs in 2022

Big Data: Understand the world of Big Data

10 steps to structure a loyalty program

LGPD: The importance of data security for your company

What is Database Marketing?

What is the Data Driven culture?

Ebook: Loyalty of the Future

Content & Context

12 statistics that show why your company should invest in loyalty (especially during a crisis)

Customer King

Customer Relationship Manifest

Singularity and future of the customer relationship