How to create a customer centric mindset for your company

All companies that are concerned about meeting needs and gaining the loyalty of their consumers should place the client at the center of their strategy. Therefore, the entire corporate culture must be oriented to the client and the market. Learn about Indico's 6 steps for implementing this mindset in your company:

1º) Understand your target audience: have a deep knowledge of the customers and their journey. Identifying pain, trigger points and desires of your consumer are determining factors to gain their engagement, reduce CAC and Churn, increase Lifetime Value and Purchase Frequency;

2º) Choose your team leaders well: good professionals spread the importance of the end-to-end customer experience and customer journey to their team, stimulating a culture of valuing the consumer;

3) Improve the relationship in all digital touchpoints: an omnichannel customer journey covers your customer at all stages, facilitating the capture of data and insights;

4) Give employees decision-making freedom: engaged professionals with access to their customers' data optimize strategies, bring solutions and transform results;

5º) Use all customer feedback to improve their experience: give the customer space to express their point of view, and make improvements to the journey based on this.

6º) Monitor your process: each phase requires monitoring, so you understand the shortcomings and can improve it without losing the main focus: keeping your customers satisfied! Use resources such as metrics, KPI's that facilitate the understanding of the journey, the behaviour and main customer needs.


Here, we boost your company to achieve better results with Customer Centric actions and strategies.Our team of experts in technology and marketing is ready to convert your data into innovative solutions that enhance the user experience, generate loyalty and ensure real results for your business.

Contact us and discover the Indico way of revolutionizing the market.