Loyalty and Generation Z: how to create loyalty programs for young people

How to relate to a generation that dominates technology like no other, is immersed in the online universecares about social and environmental problemshas lapses of attention and has a great sense of immediacy? We'll explain!

Generation Z has very particular characteristics and habits that set them apart from previous generations. But despite this, building loyalty with Generation Z is easier than it seems and there is a universe of possibilities when you know these consumers in depth.

The first point of attention when engaging with Gen-Zs and developing loyalty programs for this audience is to create a fluid omnichannel journey, focusing on digital touchpoints. After all, Generation Z spends the most time online

This is also reflected in the way these consumers choose which brands to consume. Generation Z's main search sources reveal the importance of a digital presence.

Gamification is also one of the key elements for strategies aimed at Generation Z. According to Forbes, around 60% of Gen-Zs play video games or online games at least once a week. Therefore, adding levels, ranking, missions and badges to your loyalty program will boost audience engagement on a daily basis.

Also, think about adding purpose to your program. Generation Z is the most concerned about ethical issues when it comes to relating to brands. With a well-defined culture and values, your brand can implement loyalty initiatives connected to ESG practices

This can be done by making it possible to earn points from desired actions (recycling packaging, for example) or by encouraging participants to donate their points to institutions that support causes relevant to the brand

Finally, like millennials, Gen-Zs also prefer to receive experiences as benefits. Behind-the-scenes access, exclusive events or even limited edition products are much more attractive than discounts and cashback for this audience. 

In this sense, data will be your ally to help you understand what participants prefer and offer highly personalized rewards!

Loyalty 2024 eBook

2024 has already begun. Are you ready?"Loyalty 2024" is the exclusive eBook that introduces you to the main trends in loyalty and customer relations so that you can create the best loyalty strategies next year!

In this exclusive and free material, you will learn about:

  • Use of Artificial Intelligence
  • Offering experiences
  • Rise of Generation Z
  • Consumer of the future

Download it here!